May 16, 2012

Photoblog: You signed, we delivered!

By Melanie Tom, Field Organizer

Signed, sealed, delivered.

Yesterday I had the honor of traveling to Sacramento with the AB 2015 (Mitchell) policy team to deliver over twenty pages of signatures (600+ signatures) to nearly twenty five members of the California Assembly and Senate. As we walked into the offices of Assembly Appropriations members, the leaders of the Black, API, Latino and Women caucuses, the Senate Pro Tem and Speaker of the Assembly we were greeted with a singular reaction: a big, big smile.

Turns out that California legislators love our Mama's Day card, too.

Thank you to Strong Families supporters, Mama's Day e-card lovers, migrant rights champions and criminal justice sheros for making our petition a success. We delivered your name with a real, in the flesh print of our Mama's Day card. Your action helped raise visibility on AB 2015 while capturing the hearts and minds of our most important elected's.

Up next for AB 2015: both the Center for Young Women's Development and the California Policy Immigrant Center will be lobbying on our bill over the next week. We've got the momentum, let's keep AB 2015 moving!

Welcome to California's State Capital!

Policy team members Megan Burgoyne, Catherine Porter and Kelly Lewis take a moment to strategize in the sun.

Veronica Stone and Bobbie Sardo from Senator Evan's office show their love for our Mama's Day card.

AB 2015's author, Assemblymember Holly Mitchell, at a press conference held by the Black, Latino, API, LGBT and Women's Caucus around the sobering cuts to the state budget.
A team photo--but we can't stop admiring the Mama's Day cards!

Ah, that's better.

Looked who we bumped into...California Coalition for Reproductive Freedom member and AB 2015 supporter CA NOW!

On the heels of the JP Morgan Chase scandal. Strong Families stands with you!

THANK YOU, Jeanine (Forward Together staff), for creating and organizing all of our lobby day materials!

THANK YOU, Strong Families supporters, for your twenty pages of signatures!