Halloween is on it’s way here and I’m bracing myself as I always do during this time of year to be offended and disgusted. Not by the fake blood, the scary masks and the spooky costumes, but the blatantly racist costumes that I know I’m going to see.
Like the “Sake Sweetie” costume with an Obi, ready with 3 shot glasses for your drinking pleasure. Or the “Chinese Emperor” costume equipped with buck teeth, thick glasses and long braid. There's also the black face costumes that send us backwards 100 years. I could go on, but I'm sure your blood pressure is escalating by now so I will spare you.

So when you dress up for Halloween this weekend, don’t forget to not dress up as a racist.
Thank you STARS: Students Teaching Against Racism – at Ohio University for inspiring this workshop and our youth! If you haven’t seen their campaign yet, you have to check them out!
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